Saturday, September 30, 2017

Stacking the Shelves (130) / Sunday Post - The King Has Arrived!

Stacking the Shelves is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves or TBR piles, may it be physical or virtual.  This means you can include books you buy in a physical store, online, books you borrow from the library or friends, review books, gifts and of course, ebooks! The original meme was started over at Tynga's Reviews. And it now has a new co-host where individuals can link up as well - Marlene from Reading Reality.  Clicking on the book (or title) should take you to the Goodreads page.  I'm also now linking up with the Sunday Post which is hosted by Kimberly@Caffeinated Book ReviewerI'm hoping to discover some new blogs to love.

I had two preorders arrive this week - something I rarely do.  However, the price was good and Amazon has been good about getting new books delivered on their release dates.  I don't know why that's so important to me - it's not like I read them on that day!  Still, it's exciting.  Of course I had to get a copy of Sleeping Beauties and it's so expensive in the stores so at least Amazon was almost $13.00 cheaper.  Also, couldn't resist adding Scooby Apocalypse Vol. 2 to my shelves.

I ordered a new release on mu Kindle.  Not making any excuses - I just wanted to.  I featured The Ravenous on a Can't Wait Wednesday feature earlier this year.  Does anyone else think the girl on the front looks like Lena Dunham?

And of course there are a couple of review books.  I'm thrilled to get Weave A Circle Round and The Murders of Molly Southbourne from Tor.  Also, I've seen some good comments on The Tethered Mage so I'm hoping I find it good as well.  These come out in October and November. \

So what exciting books did you add to your shelves this week???

Friday, September 29, 2017

Weekly Reads (09/29/17)

So it's been another crazy week at The Farm.  I did manage to paint the living room Sunday while Mr. Barb was at work and I can attest, Booker T has good taste.  The color turned out to be exactly what we wanted.  Now we have decided to continue the flow into the dining room (our house is 117 years old and lots of open doors/spaces downstairs.  

My vehicle has died (sad music playing in the background).  Basically it will take more money than it's worth to fix it so we're looking for another one I can use to get back an forth to work.  Preferably a truck because that's what I had, but man, trucks are either expensive or hard to find!  I'm using one of my Grandfather's car in the meantime (thank you Grandpa!)

We managed to watch a couple of new movies this week.  We watched "Transformersr: The Last Knight" and really enjoyed it a lot.  We also watched a movie called "The Vault."  It was a combination bank heist and haunted vault.  It was much better than I anticipated even if I don't like James Franco very much and I recommend it.

So hopefully I can get to reading this weekend.  The books haven't changed too much.  I'm having a hard time finishing Dark Exodus but it's not the book's fault, I've just been really busy.  I'm highly anticipating starting Rosemary's Baby soon.

Hope everyone has a wonderful week ahead.  Any fun plans?

Thursday, September 28, 2017

A Conspiracy in Belgravia

TITLE: A Conspiracy in Belgravia (Lady Sherlock #2)
AUTHOR: Sherry Thomas
PUBLISHING DATE: September 5, 2017

FROM GOODREADS: Being shunned by Society gives Charlotte Holmes the time and freedom to put her extraordinary powers of deduction to good use. As “Sherlock Holmes, consulting detective,” aided by the capable Mrs. Watson, she’s had great success helping with all manner of inquiries, but she’s not prepared for the new client who arrives at her Upper Baker Street office.

Lady Ingram, wife of Charlotte’s dear friend and benefactor, wants Sherlock Holmes to find her first love, who failed to show up at their annual rendezvous. Matters of loyalty and discretion aside, the case becomes even more personal for Charlotte as the missing man is none other than Myron Finch, her illegitimate half brother.

In the meanwhile, Charlotte wrestles with a surprising proposal of marriage, a mysterious stranger woos her sister Livia, and an unidentified body that surfaces where least expected. Charlotte’s investigative prowess is challenged as never before: Can she find her brother in time—or will he, too, end up as a nameless corpse somewhere in the belly of London?

MY THOUGHTS: After loving the first Lady Sherlock mystery so much, I knew I had to pick this one up sooner than later and I am thrilled to say it didn't disappoint. I do believe I rated "A Study in Scarlet Women" 5/5 but even at a slightly lower rating, "A Conspiracy in Belgravia" is still a solidly enjoyable installment.

Charlotte Holmes is still living with her new friend, Mrs. Watson and together they are still solving mysteries as "Sherlock Holmes." Charlotte is being courted by a familiar face, Lord Ingram's brother, and to prove that marriage to him won't be boring, he gifts her with some clues and mysteries to decipher. One of these clues leads her to a deceased young man who may or may not be Charlotte's illegitimate brother. In addition, she has been hired by Lady Ingram, the wife of Charlotte's one true love (if she ever has such a thing because Charlotte definitely does not NEED a man in her life and clearly realizes it) to find out what has happened to her first love. Can Charlotte investigate this disappearance and remain loyal to her friend, Lord Ingram, at the same time.

While I loved this book, it did take a while for it all to weave together. Initially there are quite a few mysteries afoot and while they did all eventually tie in together, it did cause some early confusion for me. However, Charlotte and Mrs. Watson are as interesting as ever and I loved Charlotte's independence and stubbornness and the fact that she doesn't feel the need to change in order to fit anyone's stereotype of how she should act.

I am really loving Victorian and historical mysteries and it's a genre I didn't really see myself reading several years ago. The first book was superb and this one doesn't disappoint either. If you like Sherlock Holmes retellings, you really should give Sherry Thomas' series a try.

I received this book from Penguin First to Read in exchange for an honest review.


Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Can't Wait Wednesday (125) - Booker T Says You Shouldn't Either!!!!

Can't Wait Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted at Wishful Endings to spotlight highly anticipated books.  It is based on the Waiting on Wednesday meme which used to be hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine.

Hello fellow friends - it's me, Booker T.  Today I am featuring a book from one of my favorite authors. Jackie wrote the best book about my "book girlfriend" Maybe, and she has a new book coming out soon.  I know Mom has already read this, but I simply have to share it with all you guys.  This cover is super sweet and you definitely have to preorder this book is you love dogs or fairy tales!  

FROM GOODREADS: Cara Snow is newly divorced, stuck working for a jerky boss at a pet boutique, and dreading her soon-to-be-empty nest with only her beloved corgi for company. Worse still, her ex just got engaged. Doesn’t she deserve some romance, too? Or, at least a date for the Fur Ball. She’s always enjoyed the annual pet rescue gala, but this year her ex will be there with his fiancée. Meanwhile, Cara hasn’t met anyone— other than the irresistible dogs at the boutique’s adoption events.

Cara is shocked when her wish to fall for a man as easily as she does for those mutts summons Vincent. His velour track suit, paunchy belly, and tough-guy accent don't exactly fit her childhood image of a fairy godfather. Not exactly on top of his game, he admits to being twenty-five years late. (Her daughter Winnie is convinced he must be there for her!) Vincent does his best and casts a spell "guaranteed" to help Cara find the One. But when she actually starts meeting men, none of them are her type. If only they were as perfect for her as the dogs they adopt. Did her screw-up fairy godfather botch the spell? If so, what will it mean not only for Cara but Vincent as well?

WHY BOOKER T CAN'T WAIT:  It's Jackie....and Mom loved all her other books (and this one too).  She writes awesome characters - humans and dogs and you just HAVE to meet Vincent!!!!


TTT - Ten Books That Feature Kick-Butt Female Charcters! (or actually just five)

This top 10 weekly meme is hosted by The Broke and the Bookish and can be found HERE.  Each week they focus on lists which cover various topics related to books and reading. 

This week I'm sharing with you 5 books or series that feature awesome female characters - you know? The ones with constant attitude and snarkiness.

Mercy Thompson - I love Mercy and her take-no-prisoner attitude.  She runs with an awesome group of individuals and isn't afraid to take on any enemy.  Plus she is a mechanic and you have to admire a female mechanic.  I always wish I'd paid more attention to my Dad's work and knew more about vehicles.

Olivia -  Olivia from Harris' Midnight series is definitely one of my favorite characters.  She mysterious and an assassin to boot.  She has some of the best lines and loves flirting with danger.  The books hint at a relationship between her and Lem, the residence vamp, but the TV definitely takes that relationship further.  I'm pretty sure this series will be canceled, but I really enjoyed it.

Betsy the Vampire Queen - So this series has gotten progressively worse since it started, but the first few were tons of fun.  I've read a lot of them and do plan on finishing.  Betsy is the Queen of snark and is bad-ass (at least in her own mind).  These books do tend to make me chuckle and face it, sometimes we need a lighthearted read.

Atl - This remains one of my favorite books this year and I can't recommend it enough.  Atl is an awesome character.  Despite being a tough vampire who is trying to outrun a narco-vampire clan, she also has a slightly sensitive side  - but only very slightly.   She also had THE BEST dog sidekick - Cualli! If you haven't read this book - do so now!

Veronica Speedwell - This one one of my favorite series and I can't wait to dive into the next one.  Veronica does not follow what is expected of Victorian lady, and instead, choose to make her own path in life. She is full of wit and adventure and some of her lines toward Stoker, her partner with whom sexual tension abounds, are classics!

So there you have it.  I probably could have come up with 10 but these 5 stick out in my mind as the most important to me.  If you haven't tried some of these books, I recommend you do so.  

Monday, September 25, 2017

No More Massacres (Money Back Guarantee Review)

TITLE: Money Back Guarantee (Mail Order Massacres #3)
AUTHOR: Hunter Shea
PUBLISHER: Lyrical Underground
PUBLISHING DATE: October 3, 2017

Protect America’s shores with your very own nuclear submarine! Constructed from durable fiberboard material, this submersible is large enough for two kids! Sail off into imaginative international intrigue for just $1.99! If this toy doesn’t float your boat, return it for a full refund!

With her son’s heart set on piloting his own nuclear submarine, Rosemary Lanchester orders the craft advertised on the back of a comic book. What arrives is more sub-standard than submarine, but her son loves the cheap piece of cardboard. Until he and a friend nearly drown when they take the sub for a deep sea dive in the swimming pool.

Enraged, Rosemary reports the toy’s manufacturer to the Better Business Bureau. The company’s customer service center retaliates with threatening phone calls. Then her son and husband mysteriously disappear.

To save her family, Rosemary tracks down the company’s headquarters with the help of her brother—a survivalist with enough toys of his own to wage an all-out war.

And she still wants her $1.99 refunded. 

"Money Back Guarantee" is the third and final installment on Shea's Mail Order Massacres series. In this novella, Rosemary, who has just received her first Tupperware commission check, orders a submarine for her son Dwight, which he saw in the back of his Spiderman comic. When the sub arrives, it is nothing but a large cardboard monstrosity, but Dwight loves it just the same. One day Dwight and his best friend are almost killed using the sub in the friend's pool which sends Rosemary on a rampage. Rosemary is determined to contact the maker of the sub, AdventureCo, to get her money back but at what cost?

I liked "Money Back Guarantee" more than "Optical Delusion," but "Just Add Water" remains my favorite. Almost all of the characters in this edition are likable, and I love that Shea made Rosemary a kick-ass lead. Dwight is a sometimes frustrating little kid, but I found his expectations of his new toy and his demand for a replacement when it sinks totally reasonable for a child his age. I even liked Rosemary's husband which is saying a lot after the perv introduced in "Optical Delusion."

Over the past few months, I've looked forward to this series. I honestly hope Shea eventually writes more novellas from this series because I'm sure there are more tales roaming about in that mind of his. Shea has solidified himself as a must-read writer in my book and I look forward to reading more of his books and novellas in the future.

I received this book from Netgalley and the publisher in exchange for an honest review. 


Saturday, September 23, 2017

Stacking the Shelves (129) / Sunday Post

Stacking the Shelves is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves or TBR piles, may it be physical or virtual.  This means you can include books you buy in a physical store, online, books you borrow from the library or friends, review books, gifts and of course, ebooks! The original meme was started over at Tynga's Reviews. And it now has a new co-host where individuals can link up as well - Marlene from Reading Reality.  Clicking on the book (or title) should take you to the Goodreads page.  I'm also now linking up with the Sunday Post which is hosted by Kimberly@Caffeinated Book ReviewerI'm hoping to discover some new blogs to love.

First off I grabbed a physical book this week.  I had Stalking Jack the Ripper so I knew I had to have Hunting Prince Dracula in physical form as well.  Just so happens Walmart had it on release day.  Now to make time to read them both.

I grabbed three books for my Kindle.  One night I sat around and searched for horror book videos on BookTube and wouldn't you know, it led to some 1-clicking. I'm excited about these though.  Florence and Giles is a Gothic horror and Cinema of Shadows and Spook House sounded too good to pass up. 

And finally I received three books for review.  Mad Hatter and March Hares is a new anthology.  I don't like Alice in Wonderland but like the retelling #IAmOdd.  Mortal Likeness is the second book in a series so I need to hurry up and read The Ripper's Shadow. And you know I couldn't go a whole post without a dog somewhere so let me present to you Stay Calm and Collie On.  Which reminds me of my favorite line from American Horror this week - "Calm up!! Calm Up!"

What did you add this week???

Friday, September 22, 2017

Weekly Reads (09/22/17) - My Favorite Time of Year!

So it's the first day of Fall!  I'm so excited as it's my favorite season.  Now if I could only find a way to omit Winter, I'd be doing okay.  So another week of natural disasters has taken its toll.  My thoughts go out to everyone effected by the latest hurricane and the earthquake in Mexico.  I swear, I don't know what's going on.

It's been a decent week at The Farm.  Basically the only downside is....COUSINS.  Enough said.  The pups are doing fine but they just got used to the cooler temps and getting out more and then it turned mid to upper 80's all week.  Mr. Barb works this weekend so Sunday I'm painting the living room.  There's not a lot of walls (french doors, windows, mantle) so I don't think it will take too long.  And oh, Booker T picked out the paint color.  Mr. Barb and I originally had different opinions but we finally narrowed it down to 2 we could both live with.  I asked him to make the final choice and he held them up and let Booker T pick.  I guess that way if I don't like the final finish, he can blame the pup. Who is he kidding???

Read quite a bit last weekend but then slowed down during the week.  The Strain finished up but I feel like the last season was just rushed.  The ending was decent though and overall it was a ver entertaining show.  American Horror Story gets weirder and weirder.  And for anyone who watched, all I have to say is "Poor Mr. Guinea!"  We watched a  horror movie called "Hatred" this week and for a movie that isn't really mainstream, it's not bad.  It combines ghosts and Nazi Germany.  

So here is what I plan on reading this upcoming week.  Hopefully by the time this posts I will have finished "A Conspiracy in Belgravia."  I'm really liking it.  Stormi convinced me to pick up "Dark Exodus" next because she wants someone to discuss it with.  I loved the first one so she didn't have to twist my arm too much.  Finally, I need to get to "Gift of Our Mothers" for a blog tour.  It involves witches so I'm excited.

Hope everyone has a safe and happy week.  Any good plans?

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Two Bloggers One Book - We Are Always Watching

Once again, Stormi and I chose another Hunter Shea book for our feature this month - "We Are Always Watching."  I had so much fun reading this one and Stormi and I chatted up a bunch about so many aspects of this book.  I've grown to really look forward to our monthly buddy reads and I know I'm always in for a good time, whether we love or dislike the book.  I think this month we were both very pleased with our choice. Make sure you stop by her blog at Books Movies Reviews, Oh My! to see her thoughts as well.

TITLE: We Are Always Watching
AUTHOR: Hunter Shea
PUBLISHER: Sinister Grin Press
PUBLISHING DATE: March 1, 2017


They’ve watched over the house for generations…

The move from New York to the decrepit Pennsylvania farmhouse is as bad as West Ridley thought it would be. His father’s crippling vertigo only seems to get worse, and even with his mother working herself to the bone, they’re out of money and options.

Grandpa Abraham is a drunk bastard and the living embodiment of the long neglected farmhouse. He claims the place is haunted. Ghosts roam the hall at night and their muffled cries fill the silence of warm, summer nights.

On the ceiling above West’s bed are the words WE SEE YOU. In a house plagued by death and mysterious visitations, West realizes something beyond the fiction of his favorite horror books has to be faced.

Dark secrets are buried deep, and there are Guardians who want to keep it that way. No matter where they go or what they do, West and his family know one thing… they are always watching.

MY THOUGHTS: Over the past year or so I've become a huge fan of Hunter Shea so when my friend and I were looking for a buddy read, this became the obvious choice. "We Are Always Watching" grabbed me right from the start and didn't let go until the end - and that ending! 14-year-old West and his parents have had to move to Pennsylvania to live with his Grandpa Abraham on a rundown, decrepit farm. West's father suffers from severe vertigo which makes him quite handicapped following a car accident and the family has fallen on hard times. West's father hates returning to his childhood home and his mother is busy working so the family can eventually move out.

Immediately from the start, West senses something is wrong. His Grandfather has hinted that the house is haunted and West and the family starts finding messages left on the inside and the outside of the home. Grandpa finally discloses that the house is being watched by The Guardians, who do not like change and disruption. Things start happening around the home such as messages left on mirrors and finding Grandpa passed out and bound outside, but the more people whom the family tells what is happening, the more that happens.

I loved this entire book! Grandpa is an old crotchety drunk and not an very likable character, but ultimately he is trying to keep his family safe, although he is also hiding a lot of secrets. West's parents are just struggling to get by and not lose hold of their family in the process. However, West if by far the best character. First of all, he loves everything horror, in fact, he is initially intrigued that the house might be haunted. West always has his nose stuck in a horror book and he has posters from famous movies plastered all over his bedroom walls. "We Are Always Watching" took a real turn about halfway through the novel and I have to admit, it wasn't what I expected. Without giving too much away, it's best to go into this book with limited knowledge so the reader feels the shock and terror right along with the family.

This was a fun book to buddy read and I feel like I read enough of Shea's work. He's definitely an auto-buy author for me and I can't wait to see what he comes up with next!


Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Can't Wait Wednesday (124)

Can't Wait Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted at Wishful Endings to spotlight highly anticipated books.  It is based on the Waiting on Wednesday meme which used to be hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine.

FROM GOODREADS: If you were told the date of your death, how would it shape your present?

It's 1969 in New York City's Lower East Side, and word has spread of the arrival of a mystical woman, a traveling psychic who claims to be able to tell anyone the day they will die. The Gold children—four adolescents on the cusp of self-awareness—sneak out to hear their fortunes.

Their prophecies inform their next five decades. Golden-boy Simon escapes to the West Coast, searching for love in '80s San Francisco; dreamy Klara becomes a Las Vegas magician, obsessed with blurring reality and fantasy; eldest son Daniel seeks security as an army doctor post-9/11, hoping to control fate; and bookish Varya throws herself into longevity research, where she tests the boundary between science and immortality.

A sweeping novel of remarkable ambition and depth, The Immortalists probes the line between destiny and choice, reality and illusion, this world and the next. It is a deeply moving testament to the power of story, the nature of belief, and the unrelenting pull of familial bonds.

WHY I CAN'T WAIT:  I think initially the traveling psychic aspect of this book that got my attention  - right after that cover of course.  Plus, I'm curious how knowing the date of your death plays out.  I personally think that would be a horrible thing to know, but there are some good aspects to knowing it as well.  Either way, I'm interested in this one.


Tuesday, September 19, 2017

TTT - Ten Books On My Fall TBR

This top 10 weekly meme is hosted by The Broke and the Bookish and can be found HERE.  Each week they focus on lists which cover various topics related to books and reading. 

I'm participating in a Halloween Bingo Challenge, as well as a few others so I'm sure I've shared some of these already.  However, I will share with you some that I am most excited about!

So you actually got 3 bonus picks because I'm OCD and had to have three rows of four books.  However, there are tons I'm sure I forgot.  In addition, topics like today's totally scares me because it has the potential to greatly add to my wishlist. 

Are any of these on your Fall TBR???

Monday, September 18, 2017

Another Cozy Town I'd Like to Visit (Dial Meow for Murder Review)

TITLE: Dial Meow for Murder (Lucky Paws Petsitting Mystery #2)
AUTHOR: Bethany Blake
PUBLISHER: Kensington
PUBLISHING DATE: September 26, 2017

FROM GOODREADS: Even an experienced pet sitter like Daphne Templeton can be fooled by animal behavior: how can an adorably tiny fuzz ball named Tinkleston be capable of sudden flying leaps with cat claws bared? But human behavior remains even more mysterious, especially when Tinkleston's owner is murdered on the night of a gala fundraiser for Fur-ever Friends Pet Rescue.

Accompanied by her unflappable basset hound, Socrates, Daphne plans to take charge of Tinks the Terror and leave the crime-solving to handsome detective Jonathan Black. But while luring the prickly Persian out of hiding, she uncovers clues that might take suspicion off her own mother. Maeve Templeton already has a reputation as a killer--in real estate. How far would she go to bag Sylvan Creek's most coveted property, the Flynt Mansion?

To expose the truth, Daphne finds herself donning a deranged clown costume on an autumnal adventure that might just be crazy enough to work--if it doesn't get her killed.

MY THOUGHTS: After enjoying "Death by Chocolate Lab" so much I knew I had to request this installment the minute I saw it offered on Netgalley. In "Dial Meow for Murder," the main character, Daphne, once again finds herself in the wrong place at the wrong time when she finds the body of a wealthy philanthropist during a Halloween gala at the woman's home. Despite the objections from Jonathan Black, the local detective, Daphne continues to look into the murder and gets into all kinds of predicaments along the way.

I felt this second installment was just as strong as the initial one. I enjoy the interaction between Daphne and her family, as well as her best friend. There is still some sexual tension going on between Daphne and Jonathan, but if the author is planning on hooking them up eventually, she is taking her time which makes me very happy as I am not a fan of insta-love. In addition, Jonathan's ex has shown up in town and it's unclear if there is a reconciliation in the future between the two. 

What I like best about this series is the connection with the pets. The entire town seems quite pet-centric and since it takes place in October, there are lots of pet-centered activities throughout. In addition, we get to see more of Daphne's dog Socrates than in the first book. This book does introduce some new cat characters, as probably deduced from the title, named Tinkleston and Himmelfarb. I mainly mention them because I would love to ask Blake how she came up with these names! 

"Dial Meow for Murder" is a wonderful cozy mystery and is a must read for anyone who enjoys the genre and likes animals to boot. The mystery takes a few twists and turns along the way and because Daphne is a far-from-perfect character, her day to day actions are a lot of fun to read about. This installment has left me anxiously awaiting book #3. 

I received this book from Netgalley and the publisher in exchange for an honest review.


Friday, September 15, 2017

Stacking the Shelves (128) / Sunday Post - Hint: You Might See Some Dogs (who am I kidding???)

Stacking the Shelves is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves or TBR piles, may it be physical or virtual.  This means you can include books you buy in a physical store, online, books you borrow from the library or friends, review books, gifts and of course, ebooks! The original meme was started over at Tynga's Reviews. And it now has a new co-host where individuals can link up as well - Marlene from Reading Reality.  Clicking on the book (or title) should take you to the Goodreads page.  I'm also now linking up with the Sunday Post which is hosted by Kimberly@Caffeinated Book ReviewerI'm hoping to discover some new blogs to love.

I've been in a kind of funk lately (for no real reason except my Mother is driving me nuts) and as always, I 1-clicked a tad.  I also had some review requests come in and then requested two additional books from First to Read.  As you get to the bottom of this post, you'll probably notice a theme.

Here's what I got for Paul Anka, my much loved Kindle.  I saw someone mention Letters to the Damned was on sale for $.99 so I grabbed it (I'm telling you - this Halloween Bingo over at Booklikes is introducing me to so many new horror reads).  Chuckles shared Fight Like a Man on her Can't Wait Wednesday feature and I decided I wanted to give it a go and then I'm on a real Hunter Shea kick so when Megalodon in Paradise was a countdown deal on Kindle last weekend, I HAD to grab it!

My physical copy of Last Dog on Earth finally arrived.  I had to get it from overseas.

And finally I have a few review copies.  I got approved for Barking Up the Wrong Tree and Every Dog Has His Day on the same day even though I know I requested them a month apart.  And that dog on the cover of Every Dog STILL looks like a goat to me (because it has something in its mouth).  Then I got Death in the Stacks which is #8 in the Library Lovers series from the same author, from Penguin First to Read.

And on a side note, look at this awesome purse/tote Mr. Barb got me!  I love it and it's real leather - now I'm afraid to use it - haha!

So what did you guys add to your stacks this week???